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Jumat, 05 Desember 2014

Tutorial Game Sudoku37

Pseudocode Game Sudoku37

Sebagagai orang yang hidup di zaman ini, kita sudah tidak asing lagi dengan yang namanya game atau permainan pada komputer atau gadget. Hampir setiap kalangan dari anak-anak sampai dewasa pasti sudah mengenal yang namanya games. Di sini kami dari kelompok 37 mencoba untuk membuat game yang tidak hanya menghibur namun juga mengasah kemampuan otak. Nama gamenya adalah Sudoku37.

Tujuan :
Untuk menghibur sekaligus mengasah kemampuan otak dari pengguna.

Sasaran :
Semua kalangan, baik anak-anak sampai orang dewasa.

Deskripsi :
Game Sudoku37 adalah game yang tidak jauh beda dengan games-games sudoku lainnya.
Algoritma game_sudoku
{ ProgramPembuatanGameSudoku }

dnumber, dcode, play=1, wrong=0 : integer
play_again, instruksi  :string

Println ( “Welcome to Sudoku37“ );
Println ( “1.Play“);
Println (“2.Help”);
Println (“3.Quit”);
Println  ( “ Select :  “);
case (Instruksi);
‘2’ :
writeln  ( “How to Play?At the beginning, the puzzle provides a partially completed grid, "which typically   has a unique solution. The objective is to fil a grid with digits so that each column, each  row, and each of the regions contains all of the digits from 1 to the number of the grid size. The same number must not appear twice in the same row, column or in any of regions. ");
                ‘3’ :
                                Println  ( “Thanks for playing!:)”);
                             Play β 1 do
                             writeln ("Enter the code of box that you would like to contents: ");
                             read (dcode);
                             if dcode = 1
                                     then writeln ("Insert the number (1,2,3,4) : “);
                                     read (dnumber);
                                             if dnumber = 2
                                                      then repeat dcode;
                                                            else  if dnumber =/ 2
                                                                    then  write (“wrong number! try again”);
("Kesalahan : "+wrong);
                                                                                  repeat dnumber;
else if dcode =2
          then writeln ("Insert the number (1,2,3,4) : “);
           read (dnumber);
                   if dnumber = 4
                             then repeat dcode;
                                   else  if dnumber =/4
                                           then  write (“wrong number! try again”);
                                                  Println ("Kesalahan : "+wrong);
                                           repeat dnumber;
else if dcode =3
          then writeln ("Insert the number (1,2,3,4) : “);
           read (dnumber);
                   if dnumber = 3
                             then repeat dcode;
                                   else  if dnumber =/ 3
                                           then  write (“wrong number! try again”);
("Kesalahan : "+wrong);
                                           repeat dnumber;
else if dcode =4
          then writeln ("Insert the number (1,2,3,4) : “);
           read (dnumber);
                   if dnumber = 2
                             then repeat dcode;
                                   else  if dnumber =/2
                                           then  write (“wrong number! try again”);
("Kesalahan : "+wrong);
                                           repeat dnumber;
else if dcode =5
          then writeln ("Insert the number (1,2,3,4) : “);
           read (dnumber);
                   if dnumber = 4
                             then repeat dcode;
                                   else  if dnumber =/ 4
                                           then  write (“wrong number! try again”);
("Kesalahan : "+wrong);
                                           repeat dnumber;
else if dcode =6
          then writeln ("Insert the number (1,2,3,4) : “);
           read (dnumber);
                   if dnumber = 2
                             then writeln (“congratulatios!the puzzle is solved”);
("Total Kesalahan Anda : "+wrong);
                                      if( wrong <= 1 )
                                              Println ("Excellent!");
                                                else if(( wrong >= 2) && ( wrong <= 4))
                                                      Println ("Good!");
                                                       else if( wrong >= 5)
                                Println ("Poor!");
                                       write (“do you wanna play again?”);
                                           read (play_again);
                                               if play_again= N
                                                   then Play β 0
                                                  Println (“thanks for playing!”);
                                      else  if dnumber =/ 2
                                           then  write (“wrong number! try again”);
                                           repeat dnumber;
while (Play β 1)



Penjelasan :

1. Dalam deklarasi terdapat dnumber, dcode, play=1, wrong=0 yang merupakan tipe data integer,
play_again, instruksi : string
. Terdapat tipe data int untuk data inputan si pengguna yang bersifat bilangan bulat.
2. Pada : writeln ("Enter the code of box that you would like to contents: ");
               read (dcode);
   Si pengguna menginput dcode yang merupakan code dari kolom yang akan diisi angka oleh si pengguna.

Flowchart : 

 Console : 

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